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Does Microsoft Windows 10 Pro Come With Antivirus?


Are you one of those who have just upgraded to windows 10? Then you must be thinking about what should be done next for protection. Have you done with detailed research on compatible antivirus programs? Here, in this blog, we have just gathered all the necessary details to help you out what should do further. There is no harm in the installation of third-party antivirus in windows 10 as we used to do in windows 7 but windows 10 already includes Windows Defender antivirus that was a successor of Microsoft Security Essentials. It provides protection to the sensitive files and keeps your system up to date. Let’s get into the blog and see is the windows defender is good enough to deal with all the risks or we need to take help from other antivirus software programs.


[sc_fs_faq sc_id=”fs_faqmd2oxm283″ html=”true” headline=”h2″ img=”153″ question=”Does Microsoft Windows 10 Pro Come With Antivirus?” img_alt=”Does Microsoft Windows 10 Pro Come With Antivirus?” css_class=”” ]Are you one of those who have just upgraded to windows 10? Then you must be thinking about what should be done next for protection. Have you done with detailed research on compatible antivirus programs? Here, in this blog, we have just gathered all the necessary details to help you out what should do further. There is no harm in the installation of third-party antivirus in windows 10 as we used to do in windows 7 but windows 10 already includes Windows Defender antivirus that was a successor of Microsoft Security Essentials. It provides protection to the sensitive files and keeps your system up to date. Let’s get into the blog and see is the windows defender is good enough to deal with all the risks or we need to take help from other antivirus software programs.

What does Windows Defender do?

Windows 10 has built-in windows defender that scans all programs automatically. It provides an interface to do scans in depth. It wasn’t providing good protection as compared to other antivirus software scans, but windows have done a great job to make it compatible with proper protection. As compared to other antivirus software, windows 10 is not on the top position and not scoring high points in the presence of a competitive antivirus market.

Windows 10 antivirus is providing the same level of protection against malware. It won’t hog CPU resources, and we can rely on windows defender. It is an anti-malware solution to cop up with the malicious files that can harm your system.


Let’s talk about its features and find out what Windows 10 has for us?

⦁    It has panel displaying modules with status

⦁    On clicking` Virus & threat Protection` run quick and full scans of the whole system. You have the option of scanning a separate selected file.

⦁     The defender’s Firewall icon gives you the view of current windows firewall status. Easily Adjustable firewall notification rules, running internet troubleshooters, etc.

⦁    Windows Defender’s App & browser Control Section allows key settings. Windows SmartScreen can be set automatically to warn you, people, for unknown apps and files.

⦁    Basic Parental controls allow you people to set limitations for kids on which websites they can visit and providing reports on other activities as well.

⦁    It has a family option page as well that enables a quick view of the multiple devices connected from the central console.

⦁    In its CFA (controlled Folder Access) window defender supports a layer of simple ransomware to protection for custom folders.

How about windows defender security compatibility as compared to other antivirus?

It is understood that windows defender is not capable of preventing rarer and specific types of malware, but its protection features are good enough for spyware and prevalent viruses. It won’t alert you from security threats, and because of these reasons, everyone prefers to purchase antiviruses like Mcafee, Norton, AVG, Avast & much more. This software program is designed for smart detection & prevention of security threats.

Nowadays, antivirus programs have so many advanced features to improve performance and for clearing unusual files. They also provide data backup, parental controls, and security alerts. Users who used to have confidential data would definitely go for data backup & parental controls are helpful for parents who are very much concerned about their kids. Security alert notifications are useful to timely notify you about malfunctioning.

Why Windows 10 is more vulnerable to hackers and malware than MAC?

More often asked question is Why windows 10 is more vulnerable to hackers? We have listed down the reasons to give you the answer.

Win 10 allows user to install anything whatever they want

Well, it’s an excellent opportunity for windows user to install whatever they want but maximizes the chances of malware and MAC has built-in utility known as a gatekeeper that blocks users from installing software which is not from approved developers. If MAC users want to install whatever they want, then they also have the option to do this, but they need to be confirmed either they wish to take the risk or not.

Windows don’t have a built-in disk encryption program

Mac computers have FileVault to encrypt all stored files on the hard drive. Windows users can also do encryption, but there is no integrated program for encryption. Even though it has been seen that windows users don’t pay attention to this and put sensitive records at risk..!

Windows don’t offer free of cost OS Updates

Apple system offers free of cost installation of the new version of the operating system, but as compared to Microsoft windows, users need to purchase the latest version of the operating system version before installation.

Windows Defender Lacks in:

Window defenders have been improved to some extent, and it has been showing overall excellent performance, but few things are lacking in windows defender.

⦁    It can highlight valid software as malicious.

⦁    It slows down the performance of other apps

⦁    There is no password manager option in it

⦁    It offers limited customization as per other antivirus programs

Approaches for overcoming windows 10 security issues

Windows 10 is critical for so many security reasons, and other antivirus programs include app scanning features to provide protection to deal with downloaded infected files. There are numerous approaches defined to deal with windows 10 security issues.

Go for encryption software

if you have windows 10 and haven’t installed disk encryption software yet, then install this immediately to overcome the security issues.

Don’t take downloads easy

Whatever you are installing, make sure it is from trusted companies. For free software, installation checks out the reviews first to not put your system at risk.

Don’t disable windows updates

For overcoming windows, 10 security issues do not disable windows updates. It will make sure that the system is up to date and receive the latest updates.

Our Verdict

Windows 10 has its defender program, but if we talk about its plus points, then it doesn’t consume too much space and easy to use, but average detection rates and limited configuration options aren’t appreciated at all for those who are relying on it. Microsoft has invested time and effort to improve defender and now because of its outclass performance it is competing with other security names.[/sc_fs_faq]

Does Microsoft Windows 10 Need 3rd Party Antivirus?


Have you just gotten your new Windows 10 installed? Do you want to know if it needs a 3rd party antivirus software or if an already built-in antivirus software i.e. Windows Defender is enough? Well, if you want to know, then keep on reading!

Antivirus software is very important because a Windows Defender in Windows 10 can’t provide high-security protection as compared to 3rd party antivirus software because there are very harmful viruses that won’t go away even though your Windows 10 has a Windows Defender set in place.

[sc_fs_faq sc_id=”fs_faqpwi75352e” html=”true” headline=”h2″ img=”153″ question=”Does Microsoft Windows 10 need 3rd party antivirus?” img_alt=”” css_class=”” ]Have you just gotten your new Windows 10 installed? Do you want to know if it needs a 3rd party antivirus software or if an already built-in antivirus software i.e. Windows Defender is enough? Well, if you want to know, then keep on reading! Antivirus software is very important because a Windows Defender in Windows 10 can’t provide high-security protection as compared to 3rd party antivirus software because there are very harmful viruses that won’t go away even though your Windows 10 has a Windows Defender set in place.

For such predicaments, antivirus software is needed.

What is antivirus software?

Any software that protects your computer systems from spyware, rootkits, phishing attacks, spam attack, Trojans, and viruses, as well as many different cybersecurity threats, is called an antivirus software. An antivirus software basically identifies all kinds of viruses in your computer system. After the antivirus software detects the virus on your system, it tries to remove it completely. Not only does the antivirus software remove the virus entirely, but it also makes sure no other future virus can get into your computer system again.

Now, what is a computer virus?

A computer virus is a program that unwantedly and unknowingly comes into your computer system. It can duplicate itself and spread throughout your system if not taken care of. A virus can act maliciously by decreasing the speed of the computer system by affecting its files and data ultimately reducing the performance of it entirely.

Importance of antivirus software?

Antivirus software plays a huge role in defending your computer from unwanted programs and viruses. Antivirus is basically the doors and windows of a house, they keep the bad things away, like dust, wild animals, harmful insects, and intruders. In the same way, if a computer does not have antivirus software set in place then it can end up giving way to its own “dust, wild animals, harmful insects, and intruders” in the form of viruses, Trojans, rootkits, spyware, etc.

Therefore, an antivirus will keep the doors of your computer closed from all kinds of harmful viruses. So, it is all up to you to keep your computer system safe.

How can a virus affect your computer system?

A virus can affect your computer system the moment it enters it. Since they replicate upon entering, they can spread fast, and this is what they can do to your system if no secure antivirus software is set in place:

  • They can delete your important system files and damage them permanently too.
  • These viruses can seriously halt your computer’s speed and slow it down.
  • You will notice your computer will crash often.
  • Your valuable data on your hard disk can be gone due to reformatting.

You won’t be able to browse fluidly as before and do any other task on other applications on your computer system.

Advantages of having a 3rd party antivirus software

Having a 3rd party antivirus software can give you numerous benefits—some of the most vital ones are the following which just a Windows Defender won’t be able to give you:

  • It will protect you and your shared networks from strong viruses

With a 3rd party antivirus software, you can make sure the virus won’t be able to breathe for even a second inside your computer system. These antivirus software work by quarantining the incoming virus from the network or from any other source to a selected place away from your valuable files and folders and rectifying it before it harms your system. Basically, the viruses are handled way before they even reach your computer system. A virus can even affect your friends and family easily because of sharing different files that may have the viruses in them, but there is no need to worry about such a thing with an antivirus software set in place.

  • It will protect your valuable data from hackers

Hackers are on their computers all the time, and they use various kinds of viruses or malware to hack into a computer system. Without the knowledge of the computer user, they can easily install their malware through different files like emails and get a hold of the victim’s personal data such as credit card information, personal photographs, and personal files, etc.

They can easily take away the victim’s data, they can steal anything, delete anything, but you don’t have to go through this. Windows Defender may not be able to help you in this matter much, but 3rd party antivirus software can definitely help you by offering you full protection.

  • Keeps an eye out for your files and folders

A 3rd party antivirus software can keep an eye out for you at all times. You won’t have to worry about downloading anything shady, as the antivirus software will easily detect it and delete it, your data will stay safe on your system. Your files will always be scanned as long as you are using the computer. Because of viruses you can easily lose your entire data, but an antivirus software will stop that from ever happening even if your colleagues use their portable devices on your computer such as a USB stick that may be full of viruses, but an antivirus software will delete it after scanning and detecting it.

  • Limits access to harmful websites

Antivirus software can easily detect if a website has any harmful viruses on it. Going to a website that is not secure can be a reason for spyware, ransomware, and hackers to get in which can be quite harmful but an antivirus software will limit these kinds of malicious websites—giving them no chance to even enter your Windows.

  • Will block ads and spam

The easiest way to get viruses on your system is by clicking on pop-up ads as well as visiting spam websites—the moment you click, a virus can sneak its way into your Windows and start attacking your files, but a 3rd party antivirus software can make sure this never happens by blocking these spam websites and pop-up ads.

Final and last thoughts

Windows 10 has a lot of features in place, even a Windows Defender to protect itself from unwanted viruses, but that won’t help against strong viruses. Hence, that is why you should choose a 3rd party antivirus software as it can give you 10% to 40% more protection from viruses as compared to Windows Defender. You need antivirus software to scan your files at all times because you never know where a virus might come. You can set automatic scanning schedules and real-time protection as well—keeping you forever safe from hackers. Antivirus software doesn’t use much memory and is easy on the PC, although Windows Defender doesn’t use much memory on Windows 10, 3rd party antivirus software still wins in this department too.

Therefore, look for different 3rd party antivirus software, and pick the one that suits you. But all in all, you need antivirus software to keep your data safe and protected at all times. [/sc_fs_faq]

What is included in Microsoft Windows 10 Pro?


Windows 10 Professional is one of the most popular and commonly used operating systems of this year. It comes with more features than the home version. It does not take anything from the users of the home version but simply adds some sophisticated features. Windows 10 Pro comes with advanced security and connectivity features such as Group Policy Management, Remote Desktop Utility, Client Hyper-V, BitLocker encryption, Windows Information Protection. Along with these features, it also comes with various incredible tools such as Domain Join, Assigned Access 8.1, Direct Access and Enterprise Mode Internet Explorer (EMIE). Windows 10 Pro supports a maximum of 2 TB of RAM.

[sc_fs_faq sc_id=”fs_faqeqe5tphcn” html=”true” headline=”h2″ img=”3051″ question=”What is included in Microsoft Windows 10 Pro?” img_alt=”What is included in Microsoft Windows 10 Pro?” css_class=”” ]Windows 10 Professional is one of the most popular and commonly used operating systems of this year. It comes with more features than the home version. It does not take anything from the users of the home version but simply adds some sophisticated features. Windows 10 Pro comes with advanced security and connectivity features such as Group Policy Management, Remote Desktop Utility, Client Hyper-V, BitLocker encryption, Windows Information Protection. Along with these features, it also comes with various incredible tools such as Domain Join, Assigned Access 8.1, Direct Access and Enterprise Mode Internet Explorer (EMIE). Windows 10 Pro supports a maximum of 2 TB of RAM.


Do you want to know is Windows 10 pro good for your system or not? Do you want to upgrade Windows 10 home to Windows 10 pro edition? We will answer all these questions in detail in this post along with the features that the pro version of the Windows 10 offer. So, continue reading!


A BitLocker is one of the most popular and most powerful disk-encryption tools that Windows 10 Pro offers. With the help of this tool, you can apply encryption on the external USB drive as well as the hard drive of your system.  It uses an AES encryption algorithm to protect your sensitive information. With the help of this algorithm, BitLocker makes the data unreadable for the person who has no proper authorization. To enable this type of drive encryption, your system needs to support advanced security features such as Trusted Platform Module (TPM) chip. There is also an option of removing encryption from a drive entirely. So, protect your files from going into the wrong hands by using BitLocker drive encryption!

Client Hyper-V

Virtualization is becoming very popular day by day. Most people are creating a portion of their hard drive into a virtual system that has its own operating system. To meet the needs of such people, Windows 10 pro features Client Hyper-V. Previously known as Windows Server Virtualization, the Client Hyper-V is a built-in virtualization solution that you can use to test insider builds without taking a risk to the main system. For utilizing this feature, you need to have a CPU that supports virtualization.

Remote Desktop Utility

The users of Windows 10 pro can avail of the feature of a remote desktop utility by which they can connect their PC with another system on a network remotely. By using the remote desktop utility, a user can access the documents from a networked system even by sitting at home. But the system of that user must be running Windows 10 pro for secure server sessions. In this way, by using the remote desktop utility, you can control the Windows 10 pro systems remotely.

Windows Information Protection (WIP)

Windows Information Protection (WIP) is also known as Enterprise Data Protection. This feature helps in protecting the data from leakage by not making any changes to applications as well as the environment. It can also protect enterprise applications on enterprise-owned devices. WIP allows you to manage and control business data separately from personal data. It comes with unique encryption technology, backup solutions, data loss prevention tools, and recovery solutions so it can secure your data properly.

Domain Join

One of the incredible features offered by the pro version is a domain joined by which the systems can be added to a corporate network. As the name suggests, the domain join allows the PCs to make a connection to the domain. Through this feature, you can administer the entire network from a single computer, known as a server. To enable this feature, first, your system needs to be running windows 10 pro. You also need to have the name of the domain as well as a user account on that domain.

Assigned Access 8.1       

Windows 10 Pro offers a great privacy tool known as Assigned Access 8.1. This tool can create a lockdown environment. Due to this environment, you can not only lock the user accounts but can also stop them from accessing some applications. Moreover, this feature also allows a specific user to access only one application after signing in from a specific account which is given access through Assigned access 8.1. In this way, the user will not be able to go to the start menu and desktop, which makes it easier to secure your sensitive files.

Enterprise Mode Internet Explorer (EMIE)

One of the best features of Windows 10 pro is an Enterprise Mode Internet Explorer (EMIE). It allows users to use old web applications in a modern version of internet explorer. It not only lets the users enjoy better security and improved performance but also lets them experience better reliability and modern web standards. In short by using an enterprise mode, your websites can use a modified browser configuration.

Windows Defender Antivirus

Windows 10 Pro comes with built-in antivirus protection to keep your PC safe. It is known as Windows Defender Antivirus. Formerly known as Microsoft Security Essentials, this type of antivirus uses the power of the cloud to protect against viruses, malware, bugs, and spyware. It also uses behavior analysis as well as machine learning to protect against zero-day attacks, ransomware, and other worse malware. To get good protection from Windows defender antivirus, try to couple it with a good anti-malware program.

Other Features

Along with the features mentioned above, Windows 10 Pro also offers other features as well. These include:

  • Device Encryption
  • Windows Hello
  • Secure Boot
  • Firewall and Internet Protection
  • Cortana
  • Windows Ink
  • Windows Store Apps
  • Windows Start Menu


Final and Last Thoughts:

Windows 10 pro is a costly choice but it is well worth the price as it comes with some incredible features. These features provide better security, better connectivity and better protection against potential threats. It also comes with great management and productivity features that can save you time and money. Windows 10 pro also rocks with automatic updates. In this way, you can get all the latest features of the pro version without spending extra money! [/sc_fs_faq]

Does Windows 10 Pro Come with Microsoft Office?


Windows 10 pro is the latest addition to the windows 10 family. It includes a host of new features that are aimed towards professionals. Windows 10 home version doesn’t include all the latest add-ons and is only aimed towards regular users such as students.

[sc_fs_faq sc_id=”fs_faqigjxytnst” html=”true” headline=”h2″ img=”3051″ question=”Does Windows 10 Pro Come with Microsoft Office?” img_alt=”Does Windows 10 Pro Come with Microsoft Office?” css_class=”” ]Windows 10 pro is the latest addition to the windows 10 family. It includes a host of new features that are aimed towards professionals. Windows 10 home version doesn’t include all the latest add-ons and is only aimed towards regular users such as students.


Windows 10 Pro was launched with a set of advanced and professional features. To cater to the needs of professionals, it’s an offering from Microsoft. Many people have bought windows 10 for their PCs and laptops.

The straight forward answer

The straightforward answer is that no, windows 10 pro doesn’t come preinstalled with the office. Windows 10 pro is an operating system and you pay the price for its basic set of features. If you want to use the office on windows 10 pro, you have to purchase it separately. Microsoft office is licensed software developed by Microsoft. The developer won’t give for free on any operating system. Users need to understand the fact that they are paying only for the windows 10 pro when they buy one. Microsoft office may seem ordinary software to many, but it has its paid license.

Why do you need to buy an office separately?

As mentioned, some users assume that Microsoft office is just essential software, and it should come preinstalled for free. Contrary to their thinking, they have to pay a bit extra for the license. Here are a few reasons why you have to buy the office separately.

1: it’s a proper application 

Microsoft office is an appropriate application that has been designed to help people. Many people have assumed office as free software. It’s not like that, it’s a standard Microsoft product, and they charge a fee for it. You pay that fee for its license, and you can use it later on.

Microsoft Office includes Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint Acess, Publisher. All of these software are used at the professional level. So, you need to realize the importance of all this software. They all have their own existence and significance. Therefore, they aren’t free and you are supposed to pay to use them.

2: You only pay for windows

When you buy windows 10 pro, you only pay for that operating system. Microsoft is a big name in IT; they not only develop the operating system. They also have to offer a host of other useful software and applications. Like windows, that office software isn’t free for everyone.

So, you are only paying for windows 10 pro, nothing extra to claim for the inclusion Microsoft office.

3: it’s not that expensive

The pricing of Microsoft office seems to pretty reasonable. It shows how essential the software is and how badly every PC user needs it. In short, it’s not a hefty amount that you have to for its subscription. Every PC or laptop user can easily purchase Microsoft office. So it shouldn’t be an issue for the majority of the people.

Are there any alternative solutions? 

Multiple alternative solutions are there, but you have to choose the best one. We have listed down a few ways through which you can access Microsoft office for free.

1: Free trial version.`

Almost every software company provides you a free trial for a limited time period. Microsoft office also offers a free trial version for a short time period. You can visit the Windows app store to download the office. Usually, the duration of the trial lasts from 7 to 30 days.

This is one method for accessing office on windows 10 pro for free. Once the trial time period has ended, you have to buy the paid versions of the office.

2: One-year free subscription 

You get preinstalled windows 10 pro with all basic software on modern-day laptops and Pc. Microsoft office also comes preinstalled on these laptops and pc. You can access Microsoft office applications for free on these gadgets. There is no limitation as these laptops have paid software preinstalled. HP and dell are few names to consider if you want to buy a Pc or a laptop with all modern-day applications, including the office.

However, this software has limited life spam. After a year, you have to renew the subscription. A nominal amount is charged so that won’t be an issue for the majority.

3: Students should be worried 

If you are a student, then you shouldn’t be worried about the inclusion of Microsoft office. As a student, you have multiple ways to access the office for free. At your school or college lab, you can use Microsoft office. Your college pc has the licensed Microsoft Office preinstalled, and you can always use it. So, for students, it shouldn’t be a problem.



So the whole idea of this article is to guide the majority about the inclusion of office in windows 10 pro. As mentioned, Microsoft office is a proper application that has been designed to help people. Many people have assumed office as free software. Microsoft office is licensed software developed by Microsoft. The developer won’t give for free on any operating system. Users need to understand the fact that they are paying only for the windows 10 pro when they buy one. Microsoft office may seem ordinary software to many but it has its paid license and you have to pay for that.

We have also included some ways to access the office for free. If you are upgrading from windows 10 home to windows 10 pro, there is no need. If you are an average user, the simple windows 10 version should do the job for you. It’s designed to help general people use different kinds of applications and software. On the other hand, windows 10 pro is for professionals who want a lot of features in a single platform. This is also one of the main reasons why the office hasn’t been included with the windows 10 pro. Microsoft understands the needs of modern-day Pc and laptop users, and they have designed their latest windows operating system accordingly. [/sc_fs_faq]

What is the difference between Windows 10 and Windows 10 Pro?


Do you want to know the difference between Windows 10 and Windows 10 pro? Are you trying to find out which one is the right version for you? If you are saying yes, then stay with this comprehensive guide till the end as it will discover the major differences between the two. We will also discuss the major features that you can get from Windows 10 home and Windows 10 pro.

[sc_fs_faq sc_id=”fs_faq7lfm2wh90″ html=”true” headline=”h2″ img=”3051″ question=”What is the difference between Windows 10 and Windows 10 Pro?” img_alt=”What is the difference between Windows 10 and Windows 10 Pro?” css_class=”” ]Do you want to know the difference between Windows 10 and Windows 10 pro? Are you trying to find out which one is the right version for you? If you are saying yes, then stay with this comprehensive guide till the end as it will discover the major differences between the two. We will also discuss the major features that you can get from Windows 10 home and Windows 10 pro.

Windows 10 is the successor to Windows 8.1. It has two main versions that are extensively been used by most people. One is Windows 10 and the other is Windows 10 pro. Microsoft offers security solutions for Windows 10. Due to these solutions, Windows 10 home and Windows 10 pro can offer protection by securing information, devices as well as user identities. You can use Windows 10 on regular systems but it is better to use Windows 10 pro on professional computers. The home version of Microsoft Windows 10 comes with a wide range of new features as compared to Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 home versions. But if we compare it with Windows 10 Pro, Windows 10 Pro has more features in terms of security of an operating system. It can protect a system more effectively!

Windows 10 Pro offers various extra features that are perfect for a business user. These features include domain binding, remote desktop utility, and group policy management. With its domain binding feature, you can link your system to a domain. There are other features as well that you can get with Windows 10 pro. Let’s discover what you can get with Windows 10 home and Windows 10 pro so you can find the right fit for your needs!

A Quick Overview of the Difference between Windows 10 and Windows 10 Pro

What is the difference between Windows 10 and Windows 10 Pro?

What you can get with Windows 10?

Windows 10 comes with many incredible features. Microsoft has recently introduced a new feature in Windows 10 which is the Start Menu. A few years ago, it decided to remove it from Windows 8 but now, it is again adding this feature into the home version of Windows 10. One of the features of Windows Phone is now used in Windows 10. It is the digital voice assistant, Cortana. Apart from Cortana, Windows 10 facilitates the users to switch from desktop mode to the tablet mode using the Continuum feature. It can support a maximum of 128 GB RAM.

There are other important features that Windows 10 provide to its users. These include:

  • Windows Hello

One of the biggest features of Windows 10 in terms of security is Windows Hello by which you unlock a system by using biometrics instead of username and password. Microsoft introduced this feature to reduce the chances of password hacking. With the help of Windows Hello, you can use your fingerprints and facial recognition to sign in to your system.

  • Battery Saver Feature

With the help of its battery saver feature, there will be less background activity on your system which makes it more energy efficient.

  • Support for Trusted Platform Module (TPM)

A TPM chip is specifically used for providing cryptographic operations. For increasing security, Windows 10 is making extensive use of TPM technology. With its TPM (Trusted Platform Module) support, Windows 10 offers more hardware-related and security-based functions.

  • Secure Boot

The home version of Windows 10 also provides support from Secure Boot. Secure Boot ensures that your system is booting only that software that is trusted by the manufacturer of your system. In this way, it stops malicious operating system or application to load during the booting process.

  • Price

The cost of a copy of Windows 10 home is $119.


What you can get with Windows 10 Pro?

Windows 10 Pro, in addition to all the features of the home version, offers more security tools. It supports a lot of intensive tasks. It offers such features that can not only help you to save time but you can get more creative with it. It can support a maximum of 2 TB RAM. According to Microsoft, Windows 10 pro is the most powerful Windows yet!

Windows 10 Pro offers a wide range of features that are not present in the home version of Windows 10. These include:

  • BitLocker Drive Encryption

The first important feature that Windows 10 pro provides is a BitLocker drive encryption. It is a great encryption tool by which you can encrypt the external USB drive as well as the hard drive of your system. A TPM chip is necessary to use this feature. By using BitLocker drive encryption, you can protect your sensitive data. Moreover, if your system is lost or stolen, BitLocker will lock your private data, so no one else can access it.

  • Windows Information Protection (WIP)

Previously known as Enterprise Data Protection, the Windows Information Protection (WIP) can help the user to protect the data against accidental leakage. Windows Information Protection also works along with Azure Rights Management for providing extra protection to data.

  • Remote Desktop Utility

Windows 10 Pro offers a Remote Desktop utility by which you can connect your system with another system remotely. This function allows a user to access the files while working from home. On location, another user can retrieve that data and access to the necessary files.

  • Updating multiple systems by using one system

Windows 10 Pro comes with Microsoft Update for Business. This is an amazing feature due to which most organizations are switching to the pro version. Through this feature, you can update multiple systems in a domain at the same time by using one system.

  • Price

If you want to secure your data from intruders, you will need to spend some extra money on Pro version as Windows 10 Pro costs $199.


To sum up:

For many users, Windows 10 home edition is good. On the other hand, Windows 10 pro does not take anything away from the Windows 10 users. It is a little bit pricey but if you want more advanced features, it is better to upgrade to the Pro [/sc_fs_faq]

What is an Appropriate Way of Installing Microsoft Windows 10?


When you wish to reinstall, upgrade or set up a new device with Windows 10, you need to install it appropriately. Below are the reasons why and how to handle it: Windows 10 requires an ideal installation of its program to perform adequately. You need to reinstall the previous installation from the hardware drive by installing it from scratch, especially if the device runs into an error.

[sc_fs_faq sc_id=”fs_faqarml7cg2c” html=”true” headline=”h2″ img=”153″ question=”What is an appropriate way of installing Microsoft Windows 10? ” img_alt=”What is an appropriate way of installing Microsoft Windows 10?” css_class=”” ]When you wish to reinstall, upgrade or set up a new device with Windows 10, you need to install it appropriately. Below are the reasons why and how to handle it: Windows 10 requires an ideal installation of its program to perform adequately. You need to reinstall the previous installation from the hardware drive by installing it from scratch, especially if the device runs into an error.

By doing so, you can immediately erase malware and other types of viruses, take care of the corrupt system and maintain the battery life of your system.

When you intend to upgrade from the previous version, proper installation is necessary for installing the new version. Meanwhile, you can use other methods to upgrade it, but those methods do come with issues due to unwanted settings, files, and new apps installations.

It’s unnecessary to use a new Windows 10 on the new hard drive that will not be changed. With this windows10 guides, we will show you how to properly set up and achieve a clean installation, either for the upgraded latest version of the windows 10, previous windows 8.1 or windows 7.

How to set up a device before installing?

Since the installation is not a complex process, you need to follow certain steps to ensure a successful installation which includes file backup, essential driver download and ensure your device boot from USB, etc.

How to back up your device and data?

The process of the installation will erase everything on the primary hard drive of your PC. Since it’s a good decision to create a file backup for your files. You can achieve this by uploading files to one drive or cloud storage service of your choice.

To further achieve this, you need to restore new installation by copying files from your system to external storage. To attain a file backup, you must connect an external removable drive by following the steps below;

  1. Use internet explorer.
  2. Choose “This PC” option at the left panel of your PC.
  3. Search Path: C:/users.
  4. Right-click the user’s folder you wish to backup and pick ‘copy’ option.
  5. Navigate through the location of the removable storage.
  6. Right-click and choose the “Paste” option.

After completing the above steps, repeat step No.4, 5, 6, if you’re sharing your device with multiple users by copying the remaining folders to external storage.

NB: Take note of the apps you installed and ensure the product keys are reinstalled where necessary. In case you haven’t saved your passwords or bookmark in the cloud, endeavour to export your web browser’s links and online services credentials as well.

How to download device drivers?

The setup aids the detecting and installing process of the drivers, but you need to first download the latest drivers for devices such as graphics cards, wireless, and Ethernet adapter (In case they are yet to be detected). Following the guides below, you can install device drivers on windows 10.


Some lists of common computer manufacturers that support websites download of the latest drivers includes;

  • Dell
  • HP
  • Lenovo
  • Acer
  • Asus
  • MS
  • Samsung etc

Understanding Windows 10 system requirements:

When you’re looking out to upgrade an older version of Windows 10, it’s normal that the new release will be compatible with the hardware. When you’re trying to install windows 8.1, 7, Vista, XP, ensure you meet the minimum hardware requirements.

The key windows 10 minimum hardware requirements include:

  • Processor: 1GHz or SoC (System on a Chip).
  • Memory: 1GB for 32-bit or 2GB for 64-bit.
  • Storage: 16GB for 32-bit or 20GB for 64-bit.
  • Graphics card: DirectX 9 or later with WDDM 1.0 driver.
  • Display: 800×600.


Also, you need an internet connection, even when is not a prime requirement to download or install an update. However, when you intend to use windows 10 on S mode, you need an internet connection to complete the “out of the box experience” (OOBE).

How to check Windows 10 activations?

Once you’re ready to install a featured update or clean the installation process on your device, you suppose to re-use the product key to set up your system. Mostly, windows 10 will re-activate on its own using an internet connection after installation. Hence, the device may re-activate only when the previous activation is done properly. Using the steps below, you can confirm whether the copy of Windows 10 is activated.

  1. Open settings.
  2. Choose update & security.
  3. Click on activation.
  4. Under the windows section, confirm the given activated license.

How to get a product key?

When you plan to install OS on your new device or wish to upgrade an old version of windows 8.1 or windows 7, you need an original product key to purchase from Microsoft store, using the links below;


Purchase windows 10 Pro License 

Windows 10 home license.

Formally, you can upgrade to windows 10 using previous windows 8.1 and windows 7 license. Though the marketing ended in 2016, users can still activate their installation using old product keys.

Though it’s not guaranteed you can achieve it by finding & using the product key. Normally, its location on the sticker glued at the bottom of the laptop or back of the desktop tower. Also, you can use tools such as the enchanted key finder tool to restore the activation key from the present setup. (users are using the enchanted key finders tool at their own risk because it’s a third-party tool).

How to configure the correct boot order?

To utilize USB installation media for cleaning of windows 10, you suppose to ensure that the device will begin from a USB device. Meaning that you need to access the basic input/output system (Bios) or unified extensible firmware interface (UEFI) firmware on the motherboard to modify the boot order.

Typically, the process will compel you to hit one of the function keys (F1, F2, F3, F10 or F12), the Esc or delete keys, immediately the device starts.

Thus, Settings vary based on the manufacturer’s computer model. Ensure to review your computer manufacturer’s support website for more details.

Just right inside the Bios interface, you can locate the boot menu, configure the boot order to start from the USB drive, which includes installation files and save new changes. (NB: use F10 key)

If your device has UEFI firmware, this step may change the boot order to be entirely different. Using Windows 10, you’re required to utilize steps below to access the UEFI firmware;

  1. Open settings.
  2. Choose “Update & security”.
  3. Pick “Recovery”.
  4. At ‘Advance Startup’, pick the “Restart now”, button.
  5. Choose “Troubleshoot option”.
  6. Pick “Advanced options”.
  7. Select the “UEFI firmware settings” option.
  8. Select “Restart” Option.

For Windows 8.1, follow steps below,

  1. Open computer “Settings”.
  2. Choose “Update and Recovery”.
  3. Select “Recovery”.
  4. At “Advanced Startup”, select “Restart Now” button.
  5. Pick the “ Troubleshoot” option.
  6. Select “Advanced Option” settings.
  7. Pick “UEFI Firmware” options.
  8. Select “Restart” button.

Immediately you start the UEFI firmware interface, locate the boot menu and ensure to modify the boot order to begin the USB driver settings, installation of files and save the settings.

How to disconnect the insignificant peripherals?

Peripherals connection to your PC can cause an error during installation. Therefore, to achieve a proper windows 10 installation, ensure to disconnect all unused peripherals such as removable drivers, Bluetooth, USB devices, SD cards, Printers, Scanners. etc. You may need only your monitor keyboard, mouse, and internet connection; afterwards, connect your peripherals back.

Methods used in creating a USB bootable media for Windows 10:

To attain an adequate installation of windows 10, you need USB bootable media, to create media creation tool & third party tools like Rufus.

How to create a USB bootable media with media creation tool?

In case you wish to create bootable installation media with Microsoft media creation tool, connect your USB flash drive of 8GB and use the following steps;

  1. Access “Windows 10 download page” on your browser.
  2. Select “download tool now”, button.
  3. Save the file to the PC.
  4. Click the file twice to launch the media creation tool.
  5. Select the ‘Accept’ button to agree to the license agreement.
  6. Pick “Create installation media”. (USB flash drive, DVD, OR ISO file) for another computer option.
  7. Select the ‘Next’ button
  8. When you intend to download the files on the device to perform appropriately, the tool may detect the needed configuration automatically and if it didn’t, choose “Use the recommended options”.

For PC alternatives, choose the correct settings to replace the default selections.

Some tips: when you’re intending to use USB bootable media on multiple devices of an “Architecture”, pick both options to download the 32bits and 64-bit versions. (It requires a USB flash drive with larger capacity).

  1. Choose the ‘Next’ button
  2. Pick ‘USB flash drive’, option.
  3. Select the ‘USB driver’ you like to make it bootable.
  4. Choose ‘Next’ button
  5. Choose the ‘Finish’ button.

Once you finished the steps, use the USB flash to achieve a good installation of windows 10 on the device that meets the minimum hardware requirements.

How to utilize ISO to create a bootable media with Rufus?

When the media creation tool option is not functional, endeavour to download windows 10 ISO file from a different source and use the Rufus tool to create an installation media with UEFI support.

To create a USB bootable media, connect your USB flash drive to your PC and follow the below steps:

  1. Open the official site ‘Rufus’.
  2. Choose ‘Download’ option and select the latest release link of the tool.
  3. Click twice the “Rufus-x.x EXE file” to launch the tool.
  4. From the ‘Device’ option, pick the USB drive of at the latest 4GB of space.
  5. From “Boot Selection”, click the ‘Select’ button on the right panel.
  6. Search for the folder with the windows 10 ISO file.
  7. Pick the image.
  8. Select the ‘Open’ button.
  9. At the ‘Image option’, pick the ‘Standard windows installation’.
  10. From the “Partition scheme and target system type”, pick ‘GPT’ option.
  11. From the ‘Target System’, choose the ‘UEFI (non-CSM)’ option
  12. From ‘Volume Label’, enter a descriptive name for the drive. For instance, ‘Win 10_install driver’.
  13. For the file system’ and ‘cluster size, leave the settings as defaults.
  14. Choose the ‘Show Advanced Format’ button and ensure that ‘Quick Format’ and ‘Create Extended label and “Icon Files’, options are chosen.
  15. Pick ‘Start’, button
  16. Select the ‘Ok’ button to confirm that the USB Flash drive will be erased.

Once the steps are completed, Rufus will create windows 10 installation media to support the system using UEFI.

Best way to perform proper installation of windows 10:

After you create a bootable media, link the USB driver to your PC and install using the steps below;

Warning: Following the step below will erase everything from your device. We recommend a full backup of your PC before commencing with the installation.

How to install windows 10:

  1. Begin the installation with USB bootable media.
  2. Under the ‘Windows Setup’, pick next to start the process.
  3. Select the ‘Install now’ button.
  4. Once you’re attempting to install windows 10 for the very first time or upgrading the old version, make sure you’re inserting an original product key.

During the re-installation process, you don’t need a product key option to finish the process. (Since your PC might already be activated).

  1. If necessary, select the edition of Windows 10. Ensure the edition match your activated product key.
  2. Select the ‘next’ button.
  3. Pick ‘I accept the license terms to agree’ option to move to the next step.
  4. Click the ‘Next’ button.
  5. Select the ‘Custom’, Install Windows only (Advanced) option.
  6. Pick the partition with the present installation of windows (Normally “Drive 0”) and select the ‘delete button” to erase it from the hard drive.

Some Tips: When you have multiple partitions on the main hard drive (Drive 0), select and delete each of it to enable the setup to make use of the whole drive for the installation.

Windows 10 usually create the needed partitions automatically before the installation. When you have multiple hard drives, no need to delete the partitions.

  1. Select the ‘Yes’ button to confirm the delete.
  2. Select the ’empty drive’ (Drive 0 unallocated space).
  3. Pick the ‘Next’ button.

After completing the steps, the setup will move to install windows 10 on your PC.

How to complete out-of-box experience (OOBE)?

Once the installation is complete, you need to do the out of the box experience to round-off the process of creating a new account and setting up your environment.

With this guide, we will show you how to use the OOBE update. Since we’re using the OOBE October 2018 update (Version 1809). Both versions vary with a little difference.

  1. Pick the ‘region’.
  2. Select the ‘yes’ button.
  3. Pick the ‘keyboard layout’.
  4. Select the ‘Yes’ button.
  5. Select ‘Skip Button’, except you need to add the second keyboard layout
  6. Select the ‘setup for personal use’, option
  7. Insert your Microsoft account details. NB: in case you don’t want to use a Microsoft account, choose the ‘Offline Account’ Option at the bottom left corner to achieve a traditional local account.
  8. Select ‘Next’, button
  9. Insert your Microsoft account password
  10. Select the ‘Next’ button
  11. Select the ‘Create Pin’ button to establish a pin that will unlock your device

Some tips: when you wish to use a traditional password, select the ‘create Pin’ button, and then click the ‘Cancel’ button to skip the step.

  1. Add your new four-digit pin. (NB: Create a complex pin setup, choose letters and symbols).
  2. Select the ‘Ok’ button.
  3. (Not Compulsory) Enter your phone number, click the send button to connect your mobile phone with your device. However, you can choose to do it later. To skip this process (recommended), select the ‘Do it later’, button in the bottom left corner of the screen.
  4. Select the ‘Next’ button to establish OneDrive. When you’re not interested in Cloud Storage Service, Select the ‘Only Save Files To This PC’ Option in the bottom left corner of the screen.
  5. (Not Compulsory) Pick the ‘Let Cortana Respond To, Hey Cortana’, option.
  6. Select the ‘Accept’ option to permit Cortana to personalize your experience. (NB: if you choose the ‘Decline’ button, the Cortana will still be accessible on the taskbar but won’t pick the necessary info about you.
  7. (Not Compulsory) In case you wish to enhance the timeline to access activity history across your device, select the ‘yes’ button.

On the contrary, select the ‘no’ button. By using the option, you can still access your timeline activities, displaying four days of activities that will not synchronize across the device.

  1. Select the “Privacy Settings” you prefer, to enable you to use without intrusion.
  2. Select the ‘Accept’ button.

After completing the steps, your settings will be added to the installation and will redirect you to the desktop.

After installing it on your device, you need to do other tasks, in turn, to complete the windows activation & running;

  1. Open settings.
  2. Select ‘Update & Security’.
  3. Select ‘Activation’.
  4. Confirm the activation.
  5. If you run into an activation error, select the ‘activation troubleshooter’ to reactivate.

How to install the latest updates:

  1. Open settings.
  2. Select the ‘Update & security’.
  3. Select the ‘windows update’.
  4. Choose the ‘check for updates’ button.

Don’t hesitate to confirm whether all the device drivers have been recognized and installed accurately. Follow the steps below;

  1. Open the ‘start’ menu.
  2. Look for ‘Device Manager’, select the top result to open it.

At the ‘Device Manager’ check whether the branches are showing a device with a yellow or red mark, if yes, it’s ok. If you encounter any issues, endeavour to download and install the latest driver from your device manufacturers.

Use this guide “Properly install device drivers on windows 10” to know more.

NB: Don’t forget to install the apps needed to accomplish the task on your device like Google Chrome, Firefox, Office apps, Spotify or Itunes, etc.

If you used backup for your file, you need to reconnect the driver and restore all files to your account folders.

(Quickly open your account folders with “Windows key + R keyboard shortcut, with the path percentage and home path percentage”, click the ‘ok’ button).

You can use a media creation tool on the supported system to enable proper copy & installation of windows 10.

NB: A lot of differences, limitations, and issues may arise when you intend to achieve a proper installation. Use the bootable media route for less flawed installations.

If your device already has windows 10 running, ensure to save some steps while installing a new release with windows update or the update assistant or reset option, especially during the troubleshooting period.

Conclusively, the options above may come with compatibility and other issues that may affect or block the installation. However, using a bootable media will help you to subdue a lot of errors.

Purchase your windows 10 now at an affordable price!


What are the New Updates in Microsoft Windows Server 2019?


Microsoft Windows Server 2019 is built under the fundamental influence of Windows Server 2016, it continued to strive greatly in the consumer’s market. Windows Server 2016 was instantly adopted by users of Windows Server, making the market a busy place for sellers since 2015 with lots of insight and feedback.

[sc_fs_faq sc_id=”fs_faq0a62ihbn0″ html=”true” headline=”h2″ img=”2801″ question=”What are the New Updates in Microsoft Windows Server 2019?” img_alt=”What are the New Updates in Microsoft Windows Server 2019?” css_class=”” ]Windows Server 2019 is built under the fundamental influence of Windows Server 2016, it continued to strive greatly in the consumer’s market. Windows Server 2016 was instantly adopted by users of Windows Server, making the market a busy place for sellers since 2015 with lots of insight and feedback.

Microsoft spent a reasonable amount of time with customers to comprehend their struggle, to achieve an ongoing improvement of their products. They added another four major themes known as consistent-Hybrid, Security, Application Platform and Hyper-converge infrastructure. With these themes, lots of innovation implored in Windows Server 2019 has been found relevant.


Hybrid Cloud Scenarios:

We do utilize a hybrid approach because the journey to the cloud seems like an unending journey that combines on-premises and cloud environments to collaborate effectively. With the use of extending active directory, synchronizing file servers, and backup in the cloud; we have managed to create an exemplary data centre that meets customer satisfaction and pubic cloud expectations.

Additionally, we enabled other apps running on-premises to work with the hybrid approach for full benefits and innovation in the cloud for a better performance of artificial intelligence and IoT apps. Hybrid cloud aids future proof & long term approach of cloud strategies for future benefits.

At the September 2017 ignite program, we discussed the technical preview project of Honolulu, with a great experience for adequate windows and windows server management. Honolulu project seems flexible since it’s a simple browser-based locally-deployable platform for a possible future solution in windows management. One unique aim of establishing project Honolulu is to make things simple, easy and flexible with the previous windows server that connects Azure services.

By establishing windows server 2019 and Project Honolulu, customers can achieve an easy integration of Azure services known as Azure backup, file sync, disaster recovery, etc; without disrupting the application and infrastructure of Azure services.



Since security is the priority of our customers, we have implored numerous cyber-security techs to ensure growth, which has grown extensively. Previous Microsoft study, states that hackers take an average of 24-48hours to penetrate the environment, without being noticed for up to 99days on average; according to FireEye/Mandiant report.

Following this report, we have managed to improve our security posture by ensuring features that will enable the learning and running of global-scale data centres for Microsoft azure, office 365, etc.

Putting to use a three-fold security approach, we intend to protect, detect and respond in affairs of windows server 2019. With the protect approach, we intend to introduce Shield VMs in Windows Server 2016 to be given to our customers. This shielded VMS will protect the virtual machines (VM) from being vulnerable to malware and can only be accessed by the Admins. It will work as a health fabric, administered to guard the machine. Windows Server 2019 with the help of shielded VMs will support Linux VMs. We will extend VMConnect to improve the troubleshooting process of the shielded VMs for Windows Server and Linux. With additional network encryption included in the encrypted admin’s network, we will segment with a flip switch a protective network layer between the servers.

Using the Detect and Respond module in Windows Server 2019, we intend to embed windows defender advanced threat protection (ATP), to provide preventative protection in the case of attacks, and exploitation capability on the operating system. ATP will also give access for customers to access the deep kernel, memory sensors improving performance, anti-tampering and enabled response to an action on the server machine.


Application platform:

Our core principle in the Windows Server team is centred on our developing experience, which is to continue to improve our developer community to serve Windows Server containers and Windows Subsystem on Linux (WSL).

The introduction of containers in Windows Server 2016 raised high momentum, due to tens of millions of container images downloadable from the docker hub. Our team received feedbacks on how smaller container image sizes will essentially aid users, IT professionals and developer’s experience. We adopted the Windows Server 2019 to work on reducing the server core-based container images to its current size of 5GB. The outcome reduced the download time for the image by 72%, optimize the development time and performance.

Our other goal is to continue to improve choices by making available orchestrating Windows Server Containers for possible deployment. Kubernetes were meant to support current beta in Windows Server 2019, as we introduce a crucial improvement that aids the computing, storage, networking of Kubernetes cluster components.

Based on the developer’s feedback on the complexity in navigating Linux and windows deployment environment, we previously extended the windows subsystem on Linus (WSL) to work perfectly as an insider builds for Windows Server, to enable customers to run Linux containers with Windows containers on a Windows Server. With Windows Server 2019, we will continue to move along to improve WSL, to help Linux users to use their scripts on windows, whilst using industry standards like OpenSSH, Curl & Tar.

Hyper-converged infrastructure (HCI)

Hyper-converged infrastructure (HCI): HCl has found it’s placed in the server industry, following IDC reports that the HCI market has expanded to 64% market consumption. Gartner said it proceeded to $5 billion in 2019 market review. This market explosion happened because customers adhere to the value of using x86 servers with high-performance local disks that run when computed and stored at the needed time. Additionally, HCL offers flexibility that eases scale deployments.

Customers who utilize HCl solutions can make use of windows server 2016 and windows server software-defined program since we’re partnering with HCl solution to offer the best-validated designs.

Windows Server 2019 has platforms that enable scalability, performance, and reliability; especially with HCl deployment, included in project Honolulu to make flexible HCl management & environments.

Conclusively, Windows Server customers who make use of system centres will be pleased to know that system centre 2019 will soon be introduced with the support windows server 2019.


Subscription for the insider’s program to access windows server 2016:

Since you can’t wait to get the next release, we have previewed the new builds on windows insiders. Endeavour to signup for the program to access more. For more info about the preview build, navigate through “release notes”

We will be happy to get feedback using the “windows feedback hub app, or the windows server space in the tech community.


Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: When was Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Released?

A: Windows server 2019 was available and accessible since the middle of 2018.

Q: Is Windows Server 2019 a Long-Term Servicing Channel (LTSC) Release?

A: Of course, windows server 2019 will indicate the next release in our long term servicing channel. LTSC will continue to be a recommended version of windows server 2016 for most infrastructure scenarios, especially workloads cases such as Microsft SQL Server, Microsft Sharepoint, and Windows Server Software-defined solutions.

Q: Are there installation options for windows server 2019?

A: LTSC release windows server 2019 offers servers with desktop experience and server core installation options that are contrary to the semi-Annual Channel, in turn, to offer a specific server core installation option and Nano Server as a container image. This procedure will enable application compatibility for previous workloads.

Q: Will you create a semi-annual channel release, along with windows server 2019?

A: Of course. The Semi-Annual Channel release was designed to work at the same time as windows server 2019, to bring container innovations that will follow the usual support lifecycle for semi-annual channel releases-18months.

Q: Will Windows Server 2019 possesses the same licensing model as windows server 2016?

A: Absolutely. Review more details on how to License Windows Server 2016 today in the “Windows Server Pricing Page”. We’re likely going to increase the price for windows server client access licensing (CAL). We intend to provide more details in the future.


How to Download and Install or Reinstall Microsoft Office 365 | Office 2019?


To begin with, please ensure to read the system requirements for your PC or Mac. Your office for home products: Some ‘office for home products’ has product keys. In case you have one that has such key before you install office; endeavour to login with your previous Microsoft account details and insert the product key at office.com/setup. When you redeem your key, you’re helping your account with the office to work properly and that can only be done once. Once you have done so, move forward to step the next step

[sc_fs_faq sc_id=”fs_faqpe6moth9a” html=”true” headline=”h2″ img=”934″ question=”How to download and install or reinstall Microsoft Office 365 or Office 2019 on your computer?” img_alt=”How to download and install or reinstall Microsoft Office 365 or Office 2019 on your computer?” css_class=”” ]To begin with, please ensure to read the system requirements for your PC or Mac. Your office for home products: Some ‘office for home products’ has product keys. In case you have one that has such key before you install office; endeavour to login with your previous Microsoft account details and insert the product key at office.com/setup. When you redeem your key, you’re helping your account with the office to work properly and that can only be done once. Once you have done so, move forward to step the next step.

Office/corporate or business use: when your ‘office for a business subscription’ has a desktop version of the office apps, there won’t be an option to install; else someone in your workplace may give you a license to operate. Check through ‘What Office 365 product or license do I have?’ Before you contact an office 365 admins responsible for this, see ‘the given license to user’s options’.

NB: Some versions of the Office doesn’t have an alternative Microsoft account for work or school account. You can redeem your product using different keys diversely. To know more about ‘office professional plus 2019, office standard 2019, or a stand-alone app such as word 2019 or project 2019 and the steps to install it. Its installation steps depend on whether you choose to follow the office installation procedure:

Microsoft HUP: As far as you purchase your office for your individual use or company use and possess the product key, see more details at ‘install office through HUP’.

Volume license versions: Some IT departments implore different techniques for installing office for their business. Discuss this with your IT department to get installation help needed.

Third-party seller: Did you just purchase an office from another source and you’re struggling with the project key? Follow the step below to install an office.

Log-in and install Microsoft Office:

  1. Navigate through www.office.com and sign in, if you have not done so; select sign in. NB: when you purchase office for your individual use or your company’s Microsoft hub benefits and finds it difficult to sign-in. You can get an installation help at ‘install Office through hup’.
  2. Log in with an account linked to the version of your office. Tip: it all depends on how and where you bought your office from. Be it Microsoft account, work or school account. If you forgot your account info, check ‘I forgot the account I use with the office’.
  3. Search through the office home page and select the version of your office. Select ‘install office’> ‘Install’ once you have logged in with your Microsoft account. Choose ‘Install Office Apps’> ‘Office 2016′, once you have logged in with a workplace or school account. (NB: the link to the page may say office 2016, but the office will install only the up to date version of the office apps by using ‘set by your office 365 admin option’). After this process, the download of the office will begin, followed by a prompt indication on your screen after installation.
  • Didn’t see an install option after logging in? This may happen as a result of some issues with your account. Please click ‘Need Help’ from above to check the problems listed in the section ‘Account Questions’.


  • Install Microsoft Office:
  1. Now you’re done with the download, just open finder, go to ‘Downloads’, and click twice at ‘Microsoft office install.pkg file’ (the file name may differ a little).

NB: when you discover some errors that say ‘Microsoft office install.pkg’ cannot be accessed due to an unidentified developer, wait for a few seconds or more to download the file to your desktop. Just ‘Hold Control + Click the file to launch the installer’.

  1. Firstly, at the installation screen, click ‘Continue to commence the installation.
  2. Check the license agreement of the software and select continue.
  3. Click on ‘Agree’ to accept the conditions of the software license agreement.
  4. Pick your install office option and select continue.
  5. Check the disk space requirements to know your install location or use another install location, select ‘install’. Note: in case you wish to install specific office apps without installing the whole office suite, select the “customize” button and “uncheck” the programs you don’t want to install.
  6. For Mac, log in with a password, once you’re signed in, click ‘install software’. (NB: use the password that you choose to login to your Mac).
  7. Now the software will start to install. Afterward, select ‘Close’, when the installation is complete. When the office installation is not successful, check ‘what to try if you can’t install or activate Office for MAC’.


How to launch a Microsoft Office for MAC and its activation process?

  1. Choose the ‘Launchpad’ icon in the Dock to display all the apps.
  2. Pick the ‘Microsoft Word’ icon in the Launchpad.
  3. Read ‘what’s new’ window, once it opens after an automatic launch of your word. Select ‘get started’ to activate the program. In case you need further help to activate your office, check ‘Activate Office for MAC’. When office activation is not successful, check “what to try if you can’t install or activate Office for MAC.


Installation Notes:

How to pin the Microsoft Office App icons to your dock?

  1. Check ‘Finder’> Applications and open ‘office app’ to access what you want.
  2. At the Dock section, use ‘Control + Click or Right-click the app icon and pick’ options to keep in Dock.


  • Can I install Microsoft Office on my IPad or iPhone and how?

Yes, check “Install and Setup Office on an iPhone or IPad and set up email on an IOS device” (iPhone or IPad).


What are the new features of Microsoft Visio 2019?


What are the new features of Microsoft Visio 2019? Any new updates in Microsoft Visio 2019? When you intend to upgrade to Visio 2019 from Visio 2016, you need to have all the features and few other ones to complete the process.

[sc_fs_faq sc_id=”fs_faqpv20wqrc8″ html=”true” headline=”h2″ img=”187″ question=”What are the new features of Microsoft Visio 2019?” img_alt=”What are the new features of Microsoft Visio 2019?” css_class=”” ]Any new updates in Microsoft Visio 2019? When you intend to upgrade to Visio 2019 from Visio 2016, you need to have all the features and few other ones to complete the process.

Kick-Start diagram:

An organizational Chart, Brainstorming and SDL templates have newly oriented starter diagrams, to enable you to quickly run the setup. Brainstorming starter diagram, built-in database model, and database model templates are correct models for your database Visio diagram, with no add-in requirements.


NB: Learn more about database icon, arrow, and Visio diagram that represents the database to create wireframe diagrams for websites with other unique ideas by using Visio wireframe. This wireframe is detailed visually to model an interface blueprint functionality and content. The new website templates are designed to create a low-fidelity, design sketch ideas, team consensus, high fidelity wireframe, etc. You can also learn about sample mockups of web design with new UML tools and UML component diagrams that display components, ports, interface and the interrelation between them.


New UML communication diagrams.

You need to make a new UML communication diagram that shows the communication between the lifelines sequence messages in a free-form arrangement.


New UML deployment diagram:

Endeavor to make UML deployment diagrams that showcase the architectural deployment software artefacts nodes. AutoCAD has an improved and enhanced version that supports, Visio with file formats like .dwg and .dxf files from AutoCAD 2007.


Using the update, you can import or opens files from AutoCAD versions 2017 or other previous versions. By improving AutoCAD scaling with the update, you can scale the update by importing AutoCAD files. But make sure, you set the needed properties. In AutoCAD, ensure the active tab serves as the layout tab, instead of the model tab. Ensure also that the Visio drawing scale setup is the same scale for the AutoCAD viewport scale.


A quicker import of AutoCAD files with updates can speedily be improved because there are no delays while working with shapes on top of the CAD files. Following the updates will remove all delays. Ensure to provide product feedback, comment, and suggestion about Microsoft office. Send feedback to us, on how to deliver quality products. Using Visio, you may choose new features or suggest one for us, by clicking file>feedback. Click File> feedback to give comments or suggestions on Microsoft Visio. [/sc_fs_faq]





What is the Relationship Between Redstone and Microsoft Windows 10?


Briefs about Microsoft Windows new updated system

Many customers felt skeptical when Microsoft announced that they won’t provide another Windows OS. People were worried that Microsoft with varieties of Windows versions will be outdated if they can’t update new features. Microsoft later added that they will update software, yet customers are puzzling how they will do so. Along came Redstone, released in August that will affect the future of windows.

[sc_fs_faq sc_id=”fs_faqtuferwok3″ html=”true” headline=”h2″ img=”3051″ question=”What is the Relationship Between Redstone and Microsoft Windows 10?” img_alt=”” css_class=”” ]

Briefs about Microsoft Windows new updated system

Many customers felt skeptical when Microsoft announced that they won’t provide another Windows OS. People were worried that Microsoft with varieties of Windows versions will be outdated if they can’t update new features. Microsoft later added that they will update software, yet customers are puzzling how they will do so. Along came Redstone, released in August that will affect the future of windows.

What does Redstone represent?

Redstone is defined as a building program designed by Windows for users. Its latest version was released in September, known as preview build 16362. Respectively, the building permits users to use features that are not standard in Windows 10 or Windows 10 Professional.

It has the latest builds with a unique way of testing and updating it. Its lock screen has status information from Cortana, Calendar, Mail, etc. it’s puzzling to believe that some lock screen fundamentally is developed to aid privy information. In that case, Microsoft Company states that users wishing to customize their lock screen can achieve that using a personalized settings option. Redstone works beyond the inclusion of application & features. The program centers on the OS that works externally in turn to allow additional features, functions, and optimization of the system.

Is it an upgrade?

Either yes or no, the answer will describe whether the upgrade addresses the related issues; when they’re discovered in Microsoft edge, windows shell, display resolution upgrades, gaming, and connectivity. Most OS as described are updated but not considered as an official upgrade to Windows 10 OS; because it receives Redstone updates depending on who opted for the Skip Ahead Option. If you choose “Yes’, it’s possible that the features may depend on the results of the test release platform that can be updated later. If they’re available to the public, it’s considered as an experiment. (i.e. if you choose Skip Ahead and the Redstone developments crash system, you may go out of luck; if you need any supplies).

Redstone is known to be PowerShell for Windows 10:

One unique thing about upgrading Windows is that the shell work will work perfectly with other devices. Its cloud is very interactive for Windows to scale multiple devices. Its new update to the PC is relevant to the connectivity of the mobile phones since it’s linked to the Windows 10 platform. Its connectivity is accessible on the lock screen.

What’re your expectations?

As Microsoft is presently offering the Redstone builds Skid Ahead for free. Future predictions show that those developed options may replace traditional upgrades because Redstone build is steadily specific with features and enhancements that don’t limit user’s activities. Microsoft may make these features an optional upgrade that can either be installed or bypassed via using the updated panel on the system’s menu.

What does it say about the older systems?

Redstone and PowerShell development are all centered on windows 10. Meaning that the older OS is now obsolete. However, Redstone is built to increase support of other specific features needed by users to install special packages. Other than saying that some software is incompatible, especially when you have SP3 for Windows, you may depend on Redstone build 16362 or later version, to run your program.

Is it too much or too fast?

If you’re not conversant with Windows 10, you may want to begin with the base program or Windows 10 Pro before including all the features of Redstone build. Thus, Redstone releases an additional amount of optional features & enhancement, accustomed to working perfectly with Windows 7,98 or older versions and newer ones; due to its new interface featured with multiple icons on the lock screen, voice search, navigation, apps, etc. Users who upgraded during windows 10 first release should worry about advance options because the first release is a trial version, while Microsoft has upgraded equally its quality due to user’s feedback.[/sc_fs_faq]